Backcountry Adventures with Redi Light Firepuffs

There’s not always an emergency out there or we wouldn’t keep coming back time and time again… So wether you are bracing for an emergency, or gearing up for an adventure, GO PREPARED with Redi Lite Firepuffs!

Special thanks to Buttars Tractor of Tremonton Utah for hooking us up with such a sweet sled for the video. Visit them at


Firepuffs in Extreme Conditions

We picked the absolute most extreme conditions possible with the intent of showing how useful our product is in extreme emergency situations. It had rained the previous night for over 8 hours completely soaking all available wood. Sometime in the middle of the night rain turned to snow and we woke up to 12″ of fresh snow. To make conditions even more extreme we headed to a sections of forest that is filled with maple hard woods which is the toughest wood to get to ignite. Wet, ice, snow covered conditions, no problem! Watch Redi Lite Firepuffs in action in the most extreme conditions imaginable!

We also encountered a real life emergency situation at the end of our day filming. Watch to the end to see why it’s important to pick a good parking spot when in the mountains đŸ˜‰

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Firepuffs Official Video (Gen 1)

Firestarter that works in the rain, snow, and wind. Lightweight, simple to use, easy to light it is a Complete Firestarter Kit that contains a durable weatherproof container, 9 firepuffs with Redi gel. (the gel is non toxic, odorless, burns for 3 to 5 minutes each) The kit also contains a magnesium flint & steel striker that is windproof, weatherproof, and is very durable!

Gettin’ Stoked Outdoors Fire Starting Demo with Firepuffs

Host Cody Stokes of Gettin’ Stoked Outdoors demonstrates how easy it is to start a fire with Redi Lite Firepuffs.

Redi Lite Firepuffs is a proud sponsor of Gettin’ Stoked Outdoors for their 2014 season on the Hunt Channel! You can Watch Gettin’ Stoked Outdoors on Monday’s at 7:30pm MST on Dish Network Channel 266 or catch up on missed episodes at

2012 Utah Youth Mountain Lion Hunt – RediLite Firepuffs in Action

Cole Stokes has been lucky enough to draw northern Utah mountain lion tag on his first year of being eligible! Come along and see what happens.

Archery Spring Bear Hunt 2012 with Rocky Mountain Packs

Bear Hunting in Central Idaho over bait with Chet from Rocky Mountain Pack Systems. If you are looking for an affordable, quiet and rugged hunting pack, check out Rocky Mountain Packs @